GPT Cookbook | Efficient Project Programming (BrilliantSoup)

5 min readSep 28, 2023


Let’s program efficient projects! Project management is a fight between scope, time, and cost. The following Artificial Intelligence process is where expediency contends with quality. Let’s look into the steps necessary to get a programming project off the ground from concept to implementation. To see what I mean, I’ll show you “BrilliantSoup” as a case study to illustrate how to be more efficient.

PSA: Be careful with what you share, and who you share it with. Never scrape the web unless you follow a website’s robots.txt file.

Photo by Anton Filatov on Unsplash

Crawl Phase: Speedy Development

Insert Idea

The initial thought for any programming project is the “idea” phase. Here, you will outline the Problem — Solution or Service that will be provided. For our project, “BrilliantSoup,” let’s say the idea is to develop a shell interface to scrape web data.

Expand the Idea

In this phase, we will form the initial idea to a better understanding for features to be identified. For example, “BrilliantSoup” has features that include:

  • BeautifulSoup for data scraping
  • Real-time output visualization using Computer Vision Models

